What our Guests are saying:
"God couldn't have given me a better place and time to 'just be' with Him." April 2013
"I came here as a pastor who was burned out and not sure of His next step. I leave refreshed, refueled and renewed in my spirit." January 2013
"As missionaries from Haiti we have never encountered a place so beautiful and welcoming set aside for the servants of the Lord!" January 2013
"God couldn't have given me a better place and time to 'just be' with Him." April 2013
"I came here as a pastor who was burned out and not sure of His next step. I leave refreshed, refueled and renewed in my spirit." January 2013
"As missionaries from Haiti we have never encountered a place so beautiful and welcoming set aside for the servants of the Lord!" January 2013
Who is God to You?
"But what about you?" Jesus asked. "Who do you say I am?" Luke 9:20
Take a moment to reflect on how you know God - not what you know about Him, but who He is to you as a result of your own personal encounters with God.
Growing in your awareness of His presence in daily activities, begins to create a list of nouns that might include:
friend, helper, rescuer, comforter...
or if you are more poetic you might describe God as:
the song in my heart,
the breath of my life,
the hope of my days,
the joy in my circumstances,
a refuge in my anxieties!
"Your image of God forms you," according to Richard Rohr. If your God is small, your list is short... what does that say of you? As image bearers we would do well to know Him more fully and intimately so that we might daily refract more of the greatness of our God to those around us.
Psalm 145 may be a starting place to prompt you to consider in your life experiences you have encountered and therefore know our loving and merciful God!
-Linda Holmes 4-2013